职 称:副教授(硕士生导师)
电 话:029-81530718
1. Lingling Wei, Chun Che Lin, Mu-Huai Fang, Mikhail G. Brik, Shu-Fen Hu, Huan Jiao* and Ru-Shi Liu*, A low-temperature co-precipitation approach to synthesize fluoride phosphors K2MF6:Mn4+ (M = Ge, Si) for white LED applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2015, 3: 1655-1660.
2. Lingling Wei, Chun Che Lin, Yiying Wang, Mu-Huai Fang, Huan Jiao* and Ru-Shi Liu*, Photoluminescent evolution induced by structural transformation through thermal treating in the red narrow-band phosphor K2GeF6:Mn4+, ACS Applied Materials and Interface, 2015, 7: 10656-10659.
3. Bian Yang, Lingling Wei*, Xiaolian Chao, Zhongming Wang, and Zupei Yang*, Role of structural modulation in electrical properties of tungsten bronze (Ca0.28Ba0.72)2.5-0.5xNaxNb5O15 ceramics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 632: 368-375.
4. Lingling Wei, Zupei Yang*, Xiaolian Chao, and Huan Jiao, Structure and electrical properties of Ca0.28Ba0.72Nb2O6 ceramics with addition of rare earth oxides (CeO2, La2O3), Ceramics International, 2014, 40: 5447-5453.
5. Lingling Wei, Xiaolian Chao, Xiaokun Han, and Zupei Yang*, Structure and electrical properties of textured Sr1.85Ca0.15NaNb5O15ceramics prepared by the reactive templated grain growth, Materials Research Bulletin, 2014, 52: 65-69.
6. Lingling Wei, Xiaokun Han, Zhaohu Li, Zupei Yang*, Fabrication of textured Sr2Na0.9K0.1Nb5O15 ceramics: Anisotropy in structures and electrical properties, Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2012, 32: 3773-3780.
7. Lingling Wei, Zupei Yang*, Xiaokun Han, and Zhaohu Li, Structures, dielectric and ferroelectric properties of Sr2-xCaxNaNb5O15lead-free ceramics, Journal of Materials Research, 2012, 27: 979-984.
8. Lingling Wei, Zupei Yang*, Rui Gu, Xuejuan Yan, Yongqiang Li, Effect of LiSbO3 on the phase structure, microstructure and electric properties of Sr0.53Ba0.47Nb2O6 ceramics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011, 509: 7247-7252.
9. Lingling Wei, Zupei Yang*, Rui Gu, and Hongmei Ren, The Phase Formation, Microstructure, and Electric Properties of Tungsten Bronze Ferroelectric Sr2NaNb5O15 Ceramics, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2010, 93: 1978-1983.
10. Lingling Wei, Zupei Yang*, Hongmei Ren, and Xiubi Chen, Phase Transitional Behavior and Electrical Properties of