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陈 煜 教授


       教授 (博导),陕西师范大学,2015.12-至今

       Tel: 029-81530728

       E-mail: ndchenyu@gmail.com

       Office:致知楼2436 Lab: 致知楼2526-2527



(i) 高性能低温燃料电池阴/阳极贵金属纳米晶电催化剂的设计合成。

(ii) 高分子聚合物-贵金属纳米晶有机-无机复合材料的界面结构-催化活性相互关系研究。




近年主持国家自然科学基金(3项)和省自然科学基金(2项)等科研项目10项,获授权中国发明专利11项。迄今发表SCI论文160余篇,作为通讯作者在Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Advanced Energy Materials, Chemical Science, Nano Energy, NPG Asia Materials, ACS Catalysis, Small, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Chemistry–A European Journal, Nano Research, Nanoscale等能源/材料期刊发表SCI论文110余篇(包括邀请综述及封面论文)。截止目前,论文被Chemical Reviews, Chemical Society Reviews, Nano Today等期刊正面引用评价4800余次,论文H-index为41,14篇论文被评为全球ESI高被引(1%)论文。多项研究成果被ChemistryViews,Chemistry World,X-MOL化学资讯平台,能源学人和材料人资讯平台等多个国内外媒体亮点报道。合作编辑《Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide: Fundamentals and Technologies》2章。


1. 国家自然科学基金(面上)项目:原子厚度铑基双金属纳米片制备、调控和甲醇电氧化性能研究(21875133), 2019.01-2022.12.

  2. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金创新团队项目:优化阳极电催化反应驱动高效能源转化(GK201901002), 2019.01-2021.12.


20. Porous trimetallic PtRhCu cubic nanoboxes for the ethanol electrooxidation. Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8, 1801326.

19. Anodic hydrazine oxidation assists energy-efficient hydrogen evolution over a bifunctional cobalt perselenide nanosheet electrode. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2018, 130, 7775.

18. Direct chemical synthesis of ultrathin holey iron doped cobalt oxide nanosheets on nickel foam for oxygen evolution reaction. Nano Energy 2018, 54, 238.

17. Au nanowires@Pd-polyethyleneimine nanohybrids as highly active and methanol-tolerant electrocatalysts towards oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline media. ACS Catalysis 2018, 8, 11287.

16. Pd-Sn bimetallic nanocrystals for efficient H2O2 production: The influence of Sn on structure evolution and catalysis. ACS Catalysis 2018, 8, 3418.

15. Ultrathin Co3O4 nanomeshes for the oxygen evolution reaction. ACS Catalysis 2018, 8, 1913.

14. Interfacial proton enrichment enhances proton-coupled electrocatalytic reactions. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6, 17771.

13. From monometallic Au nanowires to trimetallic AuPtRh nanowires: Interface control for the formic acid electroxidation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6, 17164.

12. Surfactant-free atomically ultrathin rhodium nanosheets nanoassemblies for efficient nitrogen electroreduction. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6, 3211.

11. Selective etching induced synthesis of hollow Rh nanospheres electrocatalyst for alcohols oxidation reactions. Small 2018, 14, 1801239.

10. Polyallylamine functionalized platinum tripods: Enhancement of hydrogen evolution reaction by proton carriers. ACS Catalysis 2017, 7, 452.

9. Bimetallic AuRh nanodendrites consisting of Au cores and atomically ultrathin Rh nanoplate shells: Synthesis and light-enhanced catalytic activity. NPG Asia Materials 2017, 9, e407.

8. Polyethyleneimine functionalized platinum superstructures: Enhancing hydrogen evolution performance by morphological and interfacial control. Chemical Science 2017, 8, 8411.

7. A microribbon hybrid structure of CoOx-MoC encapsulated in N-doped carbon nanowire derived from MOF as efficient oxygen evolution electrocatalysts. Small 2017, 13, 1702753.

6. Morphological and interfacial control of platinum nanostructures for electrocatalytic oxygen reduction. ACS Catalysis 2016, 6, 5260.

5. Sandwich-structured Au@polyallylamine@Pd nanostructures: tuning electronic property of Pd shell for electrocatalysis. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2016, 4, 12020.

4. Trimetallic PtAgCu@PtCu core@shell concave nanooctahedrons with enhanced activity for formic acid oxidation reaction. Nano Energy 2015, 12, 824.

3. Thermal decomposition synthesis of functionalized PdPt alloy nanodendrites with high selectivity for oxygen reduction reaction. NPG Asia Materials 2015, 7, e219.

2. Polyethyleneimine-assisted synthesis of high-quality platinum/graphene hybrids: the effect of molecular weight on electrochemical properties. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 3, 12000.

1. Ethanol-tolerant polyethyleneimine functionalized palladium nanowires in alkaline media: the "molecular window gauze" induced the selectivity for the oxygen reduction reaction. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 3, 21083.